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Central Intermediate Unit 10’s Galaxy Program is a partner organization of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA). CIU10’s Galaxy Program is dedicated to ensuring opportunities for quality arts education services exist in our four-county region.


While Galaxy is best known for its services to schools across Clearfield, Centre, Clinton, and Huntingdon counties, it also offers services to other community facilities and populations in the region including public and private schools, childcare centers, senior centers, units of government, not-for-profit organizations, prisons, after-school programs, and other institutions in Pennsylvania.   

Galaxy Serves Centre, Clinton, Clearfield, and Huntingdon Counties

A map of PA with Clearfield, Clinton, Centre, and Huntington County filled in to represent CIU 10


Galaxy provides two kinds of artist services:

Artist for a Day (AFAD) is a great introduction to Galaxy services! Artists are hosted by schools for one day in one location, during which they provide up to three 1-hour, classroom-based lessons and/or performances. Artist lessons are educational and curriculum-based. They are intended to explore an art form while making strong connections with other academic subject areas and their related PA Academic Standards.

The Artist Residency program places professional artists in school or community settings for an extended period of days (a minimum of 5 days). Teaching artists engage participants in a series of sequential workshops that provide opportunities for creative expression, skill development, and discovery.
Artist residencies in schools are tailored to address the curricular needs of an individual school and/or classroom. The artists and teachers work together to create, design, plan, and implement a residency that can be linked to a theme or area of study and is tied to the PA Academic Standards.
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