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Traumatic Brain Injury / BrainSTEPS

Each year, over 3,000 of Pennsylvania’s children survive traumatic brain injuries significant enough to require hospitalization. Many of these children are left with life-altering difficulties in physical, cognitive, or behavioral functioning.

The Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania, under a grant from the PA Department of Health, and partnered with the PA Department of Education, created the Child & Adolescent Brain Injury School Re-Entry Program called “BrainSTEPS” (Strategies Teaching Educators Parents Students).

BrainSTEPS is working to make sure that those who provide educational support to students with brain injury have a good understanding that will help these students achieve optimal educational success.

BrainSTEPS is a “Brain Injury School Re-Entry” model that is being established across Pennsylvania.  BrainSTEPS Consulting Teams are comprised of professionals from varying disciplines who have received extensive training on educating students with TBI.  Team members will act as consultants for the CIU 10 region and are available to provide basic training and resources to colleagues and families of students with TBI.


What is Traumatic Brain Injury?

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as defined by IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act) is  “an acquired brain injury caused by an external physical force, resulting in a functional disability that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.”


What Does The BrainSTEPS Team Provide?

  • Accurate identification and intervention by personnel already employed by Central Intermediate Unit 10.
  • Coordinated training and consultation regarding identification, school re-entry planning, IEP development, intervention selection and implementation, long-term monitoring of students and other concerns professionals face in supporting students with traumatic brain injury.
  • Consistent and familiar contacts for hospital and rehabilitation personnel working to successfully transition students back into schools.


How are Referrals Made to the BrainSTEPS Team?

The BrainSTEPS Team will accept referrals from school districts, agencies, parents, physicians, early intervention service providers or other service providers within the Central Intermediate Unit 10 area (Centre, Clearfield and Clinton counties).
A referral can be made by a family member, physician, agency, or school by clicking here.

Contact Information

Amanda McCready, M.Ed

Principal of Student Services 

814-342-0884 ext. 3025