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The Central Intermediate Unit 10 Preschool Early Intervention Program is a year-round system that identifies and provides early intervention special education services to eligible young children who must meet the following criteria:

  • Ages three to five years old and not yet enrolled in kindergarten
  • Residing in Centre, Clearfield, or Clinton Counties
  • Exhibiting a developmental delay of at least 25% and/or a disability and in need of specially designed instruction.

The process of determining that a child has a developmental delay usually begins at the screening level.  A multidisciplinary evaluation is conducted if the child does not pass the screening activities or there is supporting documentation that indicates the need to move directly to an evaluation.  The family is the most important source of information and no assessment is conducted without the family’s written consent.  Programs and services for children who are eligible for early intervention are determined by a team of professionals and the child’s family who develop an individualized education plan (IEP).

Preschool Early Intervention services for eligible young children are:

  • Provided at no cost to the family
  • Determined by the IEP team
Karen M. Krise, M.Ed.
Director of Preschool Early Intervention Services
Central Intermediate Unit 10
200 Shady Lane
Suite 100
Philipsburg, PA 16866
(814) 342-0884, ext. 3572
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